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Why being a task-robot isn't working anymore. And what you can do to safeguard your job.


After the pandemic, many IT Departments could not keep up with demand.

A new type of employee has stepped up, to fill this gap in large companies.

Have you noticed Business Technologists in your business?

They have their own technology budgets, resources and projects.

But surprise, surprise.

They're not under the direct control of the CIO!

They're not Shadow IT, trying to circumvent IT infrastructure and governance.

Gartner estimates that on average, 41% of employees in large organisations are Business Technologists. And of these 30% are ex-IT Department team members.

Business Technologists can be seen as a threat by some IT Departments.

After all, they have all the skills we want in our team,

  • Business Knowledge

  • Digital Native

  • Problem Solver

  • Strategic Thinker

  • Able to adapt quickly

  • Strong communicator

And they're working on projects that are high visibility and business critical.

  • Mass Personalisation of products and services, unique for each customer.

  • Optimisation of complex systems with predictive diagnostics to reduce downtime.

  • Automate repetitive tasks through bots.

  • Optimise customer journey across channels, products and internal divisions.

And to really add salt to the wound, Gartner estimates that Business Technologist projects deliver on their ROI, 2.5 times quicker than traditional IT Department led projects.

They attribute this to use of Fusion Teams.

A multidisciplinary team that blends technology and business users to deliver products and services.


I say that Business Technologists are friend not foe.

They're bringing...

  • More money, devoted to Technology.

  • More people, working on Technology.

  • More value being derived from Technology.

You see as a percentage of company resources - technology spend is growing.

It's like walking on a beautiful beach.

You don't have to own it to enjoy it right?

Prepare for a world where instead of implementing and operating systems, we'll be providing platforms that provide digital capabilities for others.


Yesterday - Windows, Exchange and MS Office.

Today - Azure with 1,000 services plus AI.

It's a mindset and real-world shift to engage business with a suite of digital tools so they can co-govern technology assets and deliver new digital products and services.


What's the Good News?

The rise of the Business Technologist means that it's official.

It's hip to be square.

It's only taken like, forever.

Now you can,

  1. Call you're Mum.

  2. Post a selfie.

  3. You've arrived.

As leaders in IT, we need to change first.

We are now Digital Orchestrators.

Our duties? Orchestrate digital product and service creation,

  • Standardise stuff. Make it efficient and effective.

  • Make it Scalable.

  • We will always get blamed. So make it Secure.

And if you're working inside a complex ecosystem built on Microsoft D365 F&O, get ahead of the pack.

  • Document your systems.

  • Automate repetitive tasks.

  • Shift support to Business Users.

Upgrade yourself from being a Task Robot.

You'll need all your energy and time to be a part of the new Fusion Teams.

Creswell Casey


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