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Mike Pearsall - Interview

As the first sliver of dawn creeps in, a cool breeze wanders through my window, carrying the scent of a new day.

It dances on my skin, at odds with the warmth in my bed. A reminder to me, that I can choose to sleep in comfort, or I can wakeup and chase my dreams.

Regrets are the last thing I want. How will I feel on my last day in this world, if I never took a chance on myself?

I'm sure Mike Pearsall, a former Navy officer with a deep family tradition of service, faced a similar crossroads.

Mike's zigzag journey from military service to D365 F&O expert is a testament to his power of self-belief.

The blog that he edits AX7 - The D365 F&O Blog has raced past 1,000 subscribers having just been launched.

Join us as we delve into Mike's story and discover what happens when we bet on ourselves.


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