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Adria Ariste Santacreu

Not all voices are created equal.

Sometimes, the loudest ones belong to those who let fear hold them back.

They'll tell you dreams are impractical, laugh at your ambitions, or keep their own talents hidden.

But there is another path.

Enter Adrià Ariste Santacreu, a refreshing breath of fresh air.

Straightforward and unafraid to share his journey,

Adria didn't have a grand plan.

And yet things have worked out quite nicely.

Like many of us, he stumbled into the world of D365 F&O.

In the summer of 2007, Adria was diving headfirst into Axapta at university.

This unassuming start fuelled his passion, leading him to a job using Damgaard Axapta and AX. He's now a 3-time MVP, blogger, and the celebrated author we know today.

Adria's story is a testament to the power of embracing the unknown.

When opportunity knocked, he faced his fears by meticulously planning his book, chapter by chapter. A year of dedication later, in January of this year, his book, "Extending Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Apps with Power Platform," hit the shelves. It's available now from Amazon.

PS: Thanks for sharing your advice too, Mike Pearsall


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