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99% of people fail when costing D365FO code changes. Here's what the other 1% does differently.


Microsoft's D365 Finance and Operations is an amazingly flexible ERP system. It can be configured with endless variations to operate across countries, legislative requirements, taxation systems and customer requirements.

Because it's so flexible, often the first thing that new customers do, is to request a bunch of code customisations. The price for these changes often starts low and then multiply as the project progresses and complexity builds.


Price increases are not a trick.

Prices are often quoted when the original requirements are relatively straight forward. But as code passes through each stage of development and testing, any late changes can be expensive to retrofit.

Soon, a $10k quote costs $50k. A $50k mini-projects costs $100k.


If you're a CFO, CIO or Project Manager responsible for rolling out D365FO be the 1% who do things differently.

You will be handsomely rewarded for it.

I recommend doing everything in your power to minimise coding changes, so you're not left short on budget.

Use your resources up front, to challenge assumptions and to push back on team members who believe that code customisation is the only option.

If you have to make code changes, make sure it's done early, that you fully test it and that changes to your business process are fully documented.

If you need help to fix a broken D365 F&O Business Processes, DM me.


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